Mr T Finnigan – Head of Faculty
Mr R Laughton – Class Teacher
The animal care course is a BTEC level 1 / level 2 Tech Award accredited course from Pearson. It is broken down into three components and is designed to give an introductory overview to some of the key principles, knowledge, understanding and skills relevant to the animal care sector. Learners will have access to a range of species throughout the course to learn practically for all aspects.
The components include:
This will be studied as a BTEC level 2 qualification. BTEC qualifications are recognised by employers and education institutions providing a good progression route into more advanced qualifications. It also serves as a foundation to a level 3 BTEC in animal management (delivered in nearby colleges) or an apprenticeship.
Component 1:
Introduction to Component 3:
Component 2:
Completion of Component 3:
Our curriculum ensures that we meet all of the eight Gatsby Benchmarks to provide our pupils with the skills and insight to develop their aspirations and explore careers they might be interested in. Animal care is a vocational subject which incorporates insight into healthy safety practices in the workplace and legislation that must be followed by all staff.
The aims of the course are to inspire and enthuse learners to consider a career in the animal care sector as well as:
At Ormiston Chadwick Academy our year 11 pupils follow a whole school intervention programme. This includes revision sessions 3pm to 4pm for pupils to catch up with missing work or revise with their teacher. We also have several Saturday Academies which run for 2 hours on a Saturday morning. This means that pupils who have no IT access at home will not be disadvantaged and can complete any work in school with the support of their teacher. Slots after school are also available for all pupils in our faculty’s computer club. Pupils can complete revision and homework with the support of our staff.
Currently there aren’t many external revision guides and resources for this course as it is new. However, Mr Finnigan has created revision booklets full of knowledge organisers for component 3 which is assessed by an exam to serve as a revision guide. Students will be given access to them in lesson and knowledge organisers will be available on Teams.
Our school offers pupils the chance to work closely with Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Hamsters, Chickens, Tortoises and Bearded Dragons. We have an outdoor learning area where some of the animals are housed safely. Pupils complete a lot of practical lessons in this area.
We are continuing to expand our connections with local animal care sectors and if anyone would like to help us, please contact the school and ask to speak to Mr Finnigan.