Attendance & Punctuality

Meet the Attendance Team

Mrs K Hatch

SLT & Attendance Lead

Mr P Rice 

Attendance Officer of Year 7/8/9

Mrs K Ratcliffe 

Educational Welfare Officer

Miss J Thompson 

Attendance Officer of Year 10/11 & Safeguarding Officer

Mrs S Harvey

Student & Early Help Co-Ordinator & Safeguarding Officer

Having excellent attendance and punctuality is essential to ensuring you fulfil the values and vision of the academy. Without this, learning and education suffers, and opportunities are missed. We pride ourselves in providing a curriculum that is broad and balanced, ambitious, and engaging. Therefore, we want students to embrace the time they are in the academy and live out our motto ‘Age Quod Agis’ – be the very best you can be. 

Our whole school attendance target is 97%

Lost time through poor punctuality and attendance cannot be replaced, so students are encouraged to maximise their time in the academy with a positive rewards system for success. The reward system is designed to acknowledge those students who have; 100% attendance, 100% punctuality and substantial improvements in either attendance or punctuality. Look out for upcoming awards on our social media and news pages on our website.

Success at GCSE level has a direct correlation to good attendance; therefore, it is vital students attend every day. If students’ attendance drops, early intervention will be put into place to avoid further absence. Please see our attendance strategy for further information.

The attendance triangle

Punctuality is equally as important and plays a huge part of our academy vision in preparing students for a successful future. We educate students on the importance of being punctual, and again, illustrate the direct correlation of success to punctuality, therefore every minute counts. This applies to both the start of school and every lesson. Arriving late, will mean students are given early intervention via our punctuality strategy.

Every minute counts

If you arrive late to school every day, your learning begins to suffer. Below is a graph showing how being late to school every day over a school year adds up to lost learning time.

Regular communication with parents is imperative as we need to work together as part of the OCA community to maintain excellent attendance and punctuality embracing these two core values. Please see relevant page for further information.

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