
Great learning can only take place if students are safe and happy. It is our aim that through our rigorous safeguarding procedures, as well as our student pastoral care and support that OCA is an environment where great learning can flourish. We take safeguarding your child very seriously.

The academy’s Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy is reviewed annually by the Full Board of Governors and Ormiston. The school has a statutory responsibility to discuss with Children’s Social Care (Icart) any concerns that we might have about a child that may indicate physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse or neglect. The process for this is outlined in Apendix 1 of the policy. We ensure that Safer Recruitment practices are always followed and this is also detailed in our policy.

Useful links

Government guidance relating to child protection

The Designated Safeguarding Leads

Mrs K Hatch

Senior Assistant Principal – Safeguarding

Miss J Ainsworth

DSL/Inclusion Tutor

Miss F McDowell

DSL/Assistant HOY

Mrs J Lowry-Johnson


Mrs L O’Rourke


Miss J Thompson

Attendance Officer

Miss N Johnson 

DSL/Vice Principal Curriculum 

Mrs S Harvey

DSL/Student & Early Help Co Ordinator

Miss E Osborne

DSL/i-Zone Manager

The fast moving pace of technology can make it hard for parents to ensure their children remain safe. The NSPCC has teamed up with O2 to produce an excellent resource for parents, which is keeping up with new sites and methods of communication. Visit their website here.

You may have also heard of ‘sexting’. Our safeguarding policy details the school’s actions with regard to this. Here is a summary of the steps taken: How to deal with “sexting” at OCA.

Other useful websites for online safety:

Operation Encompass

Operation Encompass is an integral component in child safeguarding and protection policies. Participation in Operation Encompass mandates a secure record-keeping trail, which may be electronic or paper based. Within Operation Encompass all records are managed at Child Protection level with the highest level of security and confidentiality, and in full accordance with GDPR. These records are held by police and schools only.

In conjunction with Cheshire Police, Ormiston Chadwick Academy is involved in an initiative called Operation Encompass. The purpose of Operation Encompass is to safeguard and support children and young people who have been involved in, heard or witnessed a domestic abuse incident. Following such an incident, children will often arrive at school distressed, upset, worried and unprepared. Operation Encompass aims to ensure that appropriate school staff (called “Key Adults”) are made aware early enough to support children and young people in a way that means they feel safe and included.

At OCA our Key Adults are Mrs K Hatch and Miss J Ainsworth.

This is a valuable initiative that means we can continue to support and help children and families within our school community when they need it the most.

You can find out more by visiting or by contacting our Key Adults.

Self Care Booklet

Emotional health and wellbeing

All staff at OCA have undergone Mental Health Training. We have trained Mental Health First Aiders and a school counsellor. In addition we work closely with organisations such as CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) and Kooth, an online mental health and wellbeing support community.

Useful websites that address mental health and well being include:

How can I seek & get help for a mental health problem?

Chat Health can help with mental health, relationships, alcohol, smoking, bullying and more. You can get confidential and anonymous advice from an NHS specialist Community Nurse just send a text to 07507330521 or visit the link above.

Young carers

Many children have to care for siblings. Support is on hand for them through Halton Young Carers who offer a range of activities and support. If you require further information contact Miss Ainsworth in school.

Preventing radicalisation

The Government’s 2010 Prevent Strategy highlights the need to safeguard children, young people and families from violent extremism. There have been several occasions locally, nationally and internationally when extremist groups have attempted to radicalise young people. Ormiston Chadwick Academy values freedom of speech and expression of beliefs. We also recognise that this is not an unqualified privilege and British Values underpin this. We ensure that staff and pupils promote these values and that our curriculum protects young people against the messages of extremism.

We work with relevant agencies as part of our commitment to appropriately support and risk-assess young people. Staff are trained in this and the DSLs will make referrals to the Channel Programme when appropriate. For more information see:

Safeguarding 5-minute training briefing

Self help

External organisations who could help

Mersey Care Mental Health Support Team

Following feedback from parents and carers, we are looking to increase awareness of the Mersey Care Mental Health Support Team in your school.

Below is the link to our webpage where you will find information about the team and some resources and videos from young people who have benefitted from our input.

We include an image is possible to use this link on your school webpages and send information out to your parents and carers to highlight our service.

We have included an image you may find useful. The image was designed by a young person for the MHST team.