
Our school library which is located on the first floor at the end of the English corridor is a hive of activity.

All pupils in Year 7 and 8 have a timetabled library lesson once a fortnight in the library. Pupils can select a book, take it out using our library check out system and have the opportunity to read; the following reading lesson, pupils are able to renew or return and take out a new book.

All year groups are of course welcome in our library; it is used for our Literature Lunch Club each Monday lunch time when our Year 11s and members of staff meet to eat and read stories connected to the SRE curriculum. Reading PALS is held in the library each Friday morning when our Year 10s listen to our Year 7s read.

The library is also open after school every day to allow for study club; all   pupils are most welcome to come and use the resources in the library to complete tasks or revisit the day’s lessons on Teams as per our teaching and learning policy.

In addition to our library, we have our Reading Intervention Hub for small group intervention.