Year Links

  • Year 7 – Ms J Rathbone 
  • Year 8 – Ms T Minghella, Ms D James
  • Year 9 – Ms G Wilkinson, Ms E Osborne
  • Year 10 – Ms V Purcell, Ms Stacy Craig
  • Year 11 – Ms H Rimmer

Inclusion statement

Our mission is simple; to ensure that every one of our students leaves us equipped with the necessary skills, qualifications, and mindset to take the next steps in leading a deeply rewarding life. 

At Ormiston Chadwick Academy (OCA), we have high ambitions for all our students and expect them to participate and achieve in every aspect of school life. Our commitment to equal opportunities is an important aspect of our overall commitment to being a fully inclusive school. 

OCA welcomes all pupils and staff, irrespective of race, religion, disability, impairment and need. Each member of staff shares the responsibility to identify and remove barriers to learning for all pupils, through early identification of need and quality first teaching and learning. We are committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress for all of our students, including SEND students. 

Our Teaching and Learning programme (including Twilight Training sessions) ensures all members of staff are kept fully up to date with new legislation and continuing professional development training needs are addressed. Teaching and Learning patrols, conducted daily, focus on aspects of inclusion in order to ensure quality teaching and learning is taking place for all students. 

If a member of staff, or you as a parent/carer, feel that your child is experiencing difficulties at OCA we will be pleased to discuss the difficulties so that we can decide together what the best course of action is for your child. We endeavour to promote effective communication with parents and specialists to recognise the needs and challenges of our learners. This is vital to their success both during their journey at OCA and beyond. 

Through close working relationships between learners, our dedicated SEND team and all departments, we promote an inclusive culture for learners providing expertise and support to enable their transition into the wider community and empower them to have the best life chances in their future. 

For further information, please also refer to:

Halton SEND Service

Sent on behalf of Halton Borough Council, Halton SEND Parent Carer Fourm and Cheshire and NHS Merseyside Integrated Care Board (ICB)

Halton Borough Council, Halton SEND Parent Carer Forum and NHS Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care Board are seeking the views of children, young people and their families on their experience of Halton SEND services across Education, Health and Social Care.  This is an ideal opportunity for children, young people and their families to provide feedback on the services they have received.   This information will ensure that all partners working together across the local area can utilise this feedback for the improvements being introduced and developed for SEND services in Halton. 

There are two surveys to complete one for children and young people and another for parents and carers.  Both surveys should take no longer than ten minutes to complete.

The closing date for the surveys is Sunday 30 June 2024.

Please promote these surveys through your organisation and networks, and as widely as possible with the children, young people and families that you work with who access SEND services in Halton.

The views of children, young people and their families who access SEND services are very important to us, so please promote the surveys and encourage children, young people and their families to take the time to complete the survey and share their views.

Parent/Carer Survey:

Child/Young Person Survey:

Halton Summer HAF:


Parent Carer QR Code –  Survey Halton SEND.png

CYP QR Code –  Survey Halton SEND CYP.png